Mount self-adhesive products

Instructions for mounting a self-adhesive product
For the self-adhesive product to sit firmly and do the job, it must be mounted correctly. Follow these 4 steps!
1. Clean the surface thoroughly and let it dry for 10 minutes. The cleaning agent must not contain oil.
2. Remove the protective film.
3. Apply the product to the desired location.
Let the glue harden 24 hours before burdening the product.
Do not mount self-adhesive products on wet room wallpaper
Self-adhesive products are NOT recommended to be mounted on the wet room wallpaper as plasticizers in the wet room wallpaper harm the adhesive and the product can come off the wall.
Mount with screw
Read more about how to best screw our products in different wall materials
Care instructions
Follow our care instructions to extend the life of our Beslagsboden product
Here you can find information regarding reclamations when buying in store
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